
30 years Jatrotha oil technology (03/2017)

30 years ago we finished our first Jatropha projects in cooperation with the GTZ on Cape Verde. Originally these projects were made to support local farmers and to protect agriculture from erosion and other damages. The collected nuts grow on fences around the fields were processed to oil. This oil was used for local machinery driven by ELSBETT engines and for some production of soap. Unfortunately many of these projects were captured by huge agricultural enterprises to produce Jatropha based biofuel on mega plantations for the entire world. Most of these projects failed by well known reasons and people got lost again with their local problems. During the last 7-10 years we invested a lot to get these projects back to the original idea and suitable size  to make them profitable for the local people. We still believe that the technology still sustainable and may be a key to develop rural areas in Africa, Asia and Latin America by supplying them with local made fuel for their machinery.

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